Complete Guide to Shihuahuaco (Cumaru, Dipteryx micrantha)

What is Shihuahuaco / Cumaru?

There are different trees in the family which are not the same species which are all called cumaru.

Reported benefits of the Shihuahaco tree

Physical benefits

  • Helps dealing with rheumatism
  • Relief from arthritis
  • Cleansing of the blood
  • Elimination of migraine

Emotional and spiritual benefits

  • Clears thoughts of guilt
  • Relief of aggressive energy as a harmonizer to calm the mind
  • Opens the heart
  • Strong energetic protection against for someone who is open and sensitive to the energy of those around them
  • Promotes compassion

The Shihuahuaco Dieta

The spirit of Shihuahuaco is one of the highest in the Shipibo tradition, with one of the most highly evolved plant consciousnesses. It is said that the spirit appears as a large-dimensional man whose body shines brightly like highly polished metal.

Someone should generally not dieta the Shihuahaco as their first master teacher plant, but rather they should dieta a few “easier” plants first. Working with the Shihuahaco tree is more difficult beause of the shadow work involved. The spirit of this tree works with the mind, to clear undesirable habitual thoughts and to calm mental activity. The tree is there to help those with strong character who have experienced difficulty in their lives, and carry heavy emotions of shame, guilt, remorse, anger and paranoia.

The bark of the tree is used to make an oral brew, for “strengthening” purposes.

This tree is an ally to help against oppressive environments, and is great for people who are sensititive and affected by other people’s energies. The Shihuahaco orients people towards feelings of compassion.

Culinary use of Cumaru seeds

Cumaru seeds are used in cooking! Check out this video:

Deforestation of the Shihuahuaco tree

2 thoughts on “Complete Guide to Shihuahuaco (Cumaru, Dipteryx micrantha)

  1. Lizzy says:

    I wish people would stop presenting the Shihuahuaco ans the Cumaru as being interchangeable. These are two wlvery different trees, with very different spirit. The Cumaru, Shiwawaku, is Dipteryx odorata..Shihuahuaco is Dipteryx odorata. One is abundant and grown in the northern basin ( shiwawaku) the other, Shihuahuaco, grows in the depths of the jungles of the southern basin. Shihuahuaco is a masculine spirit, where Shiwawaku is feminine. Both are flowering trees, but only Shiwawaku presents the oily tonka beans. And these are just the elementary differences… to discuss the third differences in spirit is time consuming, but there is a tremendous difference between these two trees.

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