
Here at Sananga Canada we don’t just want to be a webshop.

We aren’t in this for the money.

We want people to learn the truth about the plant medicines of the Amazon. We want people who feel called to work with the plants to learn about the actual shamanic path and how they can walk it without being suckered and taken advantage of.

We want to bring good people with good hearts together. We want you to be able to make friends with people who have the same passions as you.

Many readers of this website are in established communities of likeminded people, but many have not yet found their tribe.

As such, we want to build a social community. A place where you can find people just like you all across Canada… and the world!

Are you interested in this? Fill out your information in the form below and we will add you to our list. We don’t have a launch date yet. Be patient. 🙂